Travel Fogginess or Travelers’ Confusion: Where the Heck am I?

Blogger Ivan Kralj in the fumes of Erta Ale volcano in Ethiopia, photo by Ivan Kralj

That morning in Lithuania, I woke up at 04:33. Early rise, you say? A late one, actually! My flight was scheduled to leave for Athens at 6 a.m., and there I was, undressed, unpacked, and in panic. I overslept! How on Earth did this happen?

Well, on Earth, the pre-ordered taxi that was waiting for me in front of the guesthouse in central Vilnius, was long gone.

I wasn’t sure yet if my hurrying up, speedy packing, desperate attempt to zip my overfilled bag, and throwing away my flip-flops into the trash bin to make it all sit in place, made any sense.

Seeing the empty street through the window did not fill me with optimism. Could I find a new taxi at this hour? Could I make it in time for the check-in at all? Should I just return to the warm bed that was obviously quite successful in seducing the tired sleepers? In decades of traveling, this was the first time I felt my crazy run for the soon-departing flight was in vain.

Sleep drunkenness

To comfort myself, after I woke up, at least I knew where I was! That was some progress, in all the more common experiencing disorientation while traveling.

I knew that, according to one American study, 1 out of 7 people experiences confusional arousal upon waking up, popularly called sleep drunkenness. For some seconds or even minutes (15-minute confusion cases have been reported), they don’t know where they are, when they are or perhaps even who they are.

Travel fogginess is a sudden fog curtain of disorientation that temporarily blocks the full comprehension of the environment in frequent travelers

Experts analyze this phenomenon together with other sleep disorders. I wasn’t able to find any relevant medical information on similar confusional arousals happening when no sleep takes place! The truth is that I experience the disorientation of sleep drunkenness during normal, awake hours.

As I couldn’t find much official information about similar cases online, I decided to name the thing myself and share it. Hopefully, sharing it in public could confirm that I am not alone. So I am asking you: have you ever experienced – travel fogginess?

What is travel fogginess, you ask? It is a sudden fog curtain of disorientation that temporarily blocks the full comprehension of the environment in frequent travelers. At least I would hope I can talk in the plural. One could argue that it’s just the first and mild stage of Alzheimer’s. Or suggest that I am probably taking some drugs with bad side effects. But what if it really exists and affects more people than we think? We cannot just name it Ivan Kralj syndrome! There has to be more of us, no?

All roads lead to Rome

My first days in Athens were marked with the feeling I couldn’t get past. This is Rome! There was no particular antique monument or special Mediterranean scent that would trigger the confusing idea of Athens being the Italian capital. Equally, in Vilnius, I was occasionally believing I was in Amsterdam. Those two could probably never look similar to anyone who visited both of them!

So where do these ideas come from? I was in Rome in February, and I was in Amsterdam in April. It seems obvious to me that it is not the architecture of the place or other cultural markers confusing me. Could it be that my jetlagged brain is peddling on my past experiences while trying to make sense of the environment that changes so quickly or too often?

“It is completely normal to experience confusion in the state of fatigue. All you need is some proper rest”, one Greek psychologist told me. He explained that there could be a sheet blocking my full awareness in times of tiredness. When all my brain sees is a blank board with no information, it tries to fill it up with what it knows.

On a side note, this psychologist was also a producer of a culinary channel on YouTube. Of course, I asked him: “Is it in English or in Italian?”

“It’s in Greek”, he answered. See, the phantasmagorias of my travel fogginess can be quite convincing!

Even beyond just our tired brains, sometimes destination mix-up is a result of a lack of thinking. Read the confessions of people who ended up where they didn't intend to go!

All aboard (except for the brain)

Airports are especially disturbing places when my disorientation episode happens.

“Where did you come from?”, the strict-looking border control officer asked me once, as he was about to mark my passport with a stamp.

Baggage claim information screen at Athens international airport - during the travel fogginess these become just a forest of numbers, photo by Ivan Kralj
Baggage claim info screens are sometimes just a forest of numbers in which I cannot spot the tree

“Erm…”, I looked at him blankly, feeling the eruption of anxiety and panic momentarily overwhelming me. Would they now detain me? Interrogate me? Search me? Would they think I stole the passport of the real Ivan Kralj and forgot such essential information – the port of my departure? Really, where was I for the past two weeks? At that particular moment, my brain struggled hard to figure out the answers to these rather simple questions.

Sometimes the travel fogginess can happen during the baggage claim. More than once, I found myself gazing at the screen numbering the baggage belts where the luggage of a particular flight was about to get delivered. And none of the flights seemed familiar to me. Where the hell did I come from?

New town, new room, new bed, new panic

Then there is also the classical sleep drunkenness, as part of travel fogginess experiences. While changing countries, towns, and villages, surfing beds, couches, and time zones, the interior of the place I sleep in changes quite often. Doors can sometimes be on the right side, sometimes on the left. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I may conclude that the wardrobe doors are the doors of the room. My brain then tries to connect the position of the doors, windows and furniture with the rooms it is familiar with. It might find the connection or struggle with it.

As so-called hypnagogic hallucinations can project the imagined pieces of furniture at any point in space, figuring out where this place belongs becomes a nightmare. Maybe not as realistic as the one in Freddy Krueger’s Elm Street, but it certainly does blur the border between dream and reality. Somehow I’ve learned to cope with the slow acceptance of reality when waking up. My brain spontaneously comforts itself that it should all be fine if I just give myself some time.

Sleep talking in a foreign language

The unsettling feeling of disorientation especially happens on my first night in the specific region. During my last Asian tour, the first night in every country, from Vietnam to Indonesia, was marked by a nightmarish wakeup during which I would call my fellow roommates for help (it happened that I always stayed in hostel dormitories on the first night).

Empty seats in the plane with clouds viewable through the window - jet lag might be affecting travel fogginess, photo by Ivan Kralj
Jet lag might be affecting our feelings of drunkenness, even if we haven’t drunk one drop of alcohol on the plane!

When I was in Cambodia, there was a Croatian friend sharing a room with me, and I couldn’t cope with the fact that the woman I woke up spoke – Croatian. I couldn’t figure out who she was, and I was genuinely surprised that we could communicate in my native language.

Of course, out of all these nightmares, I was waking up with an English cry for help. My brain was obviously aware that I am far away from home and speaking Croatian would not make much sense.

Frequent travelers should not forget to rest

The phenomenon of sleep drunkenness has attracted the interest of researchers only in recent years. Even if these strange sensations are often linked with other sleeping disorders (it is examined in the parasomnias category, together with sleep paralysis, sleepwalking and talking, nocturnal groaning, and nightmares), it is also true that sleep deprivation is not correlated to waking up confused. In other words, sleeping more or less might not solve the problem. The real cause of temporospatial disorientation (confusion about where or when we are) is still a mystery.

If we add to that my argument that the phenomenon is not related only to sudden waking up from the early stages of a deep sleep, but that it can also occur in broad daylight, the researchers should, I believe, extend their interest to the phenomenon I called travel fogginess.

I am not a medical expert, but if I can be a layman interpreter, I would say that in both cases brain suffers in the process of adjustment between the reality of action and the reality of rest. In the same way that we travel from one state to the other daily (from the state of wakefulness and tiredness to the state of sleeping and restoring ourselves), often shifting in our whereabouts could be so exhausting that travel fogginess can happen while we are fully awake. Our brain does not enter this shuffle only when we sleep. It encounters problems in interpretation whenever it is tired – awake or sleeping!

I know that lesson number two of what I’ve learned in my first year of blogging said “Slow down your traveling”, but obviously I still have to learn how to follow my own bits of advice.    

Piloting with brain freeze

In Greece, I talked about the travel fogginess with Thomas Kleovoulou, a retired pilot who often experienced brain freeze when he was flying for Emirates. Constant changes of time zones affect you in a way that you adopt the new patterns as normality.

Is traveling something we need to take vacations from?

“When traveling, you infuse your brain with so much information that sometimes it has a hard time processing it if you haven’t secured enough time to rest. I was experiencing this type of sensation all the time when I was flying, but it all calmed down after I grounded myself”, says Thomas while he takes a sip of coffee on the terrace of the Kastalia Hotel in Delphi. He is the general manager of the property and runs it with his wife Basak, a former flight attendant.

After 11 years in the air traffic industry, this pilot retired at the age of 32. His wife stopped working when she was 34, after only five stressful years in the air. They both found comfort in the somewhat easier pace of this picturesque and calm Greek town on Mount Parnassus, the famous sanctuary since ancient times.

But what does that tell us? Does it mean that all seasoned travelers will once burn out and need to look for similar refuges? How dangerous can travel fogginess become? In the end: is traveling something we need to take vacations from?

Blogger Ivan Kralj making the face of relief after making it to the gate at Vilnius Airport only 20 minutes after waking up - tiredness connected to travel fogginess experiences takes its toll, photo by Ivan Kralj
Merely half an hour before taking this picture, I was still sleeping. This must have been the quickest trip from the hotel bed to the plane seat! I even managed to visit the lounge before taking off!

Nobody can live on a roller coaster

When sleep expert Professor Leon Lack was asked to explain the cause of the feeling of extreme confusion and disorientation in sleep drunkenness, he pointed at the body’s “roller coaster sleep cycle”. To make our life bearable, our body switches off certain functions during sleep. This can then cause different unusual experiences if we interrupt sleeping at a particular moment.

For instance, when the brain goes through the increased processing of information that creates dreams, our body is actively paralyzed, so we wouldn’t act out our dreams. If we wake up during REM sleep, we could experience temporary muscle paralysis. Well, do I need to say that I’ve checked that box as well?

Travel fogginess – frequent travelers’ signal for help

If we would transfer the parabola of a roller coaster onto the life of frequent travelers, couldn’t we come to a similar conclusion, even if we take sleep disorders out of the equation? If we are constantly exposed to new information (just like when we are dreaming), could it be that our brain’s GPS can also get paralyzed when this constant flow of information gets overwhelming, without affording the real rest to ourselves?

Obviously, when I almost overslept my flight from Vilnius (or was it Amsterdam?), my body was protesting against the idea of constant moving and excitement. I did run like Usain Bolt that morning, so my body, wanting to rest, did not win in this conflict. From waking up in the center of Vilnius, confused and unprepared for flying, with a lost taxi connection and unpacked luggage, to arriving at the airport and checking in, it took me an unbelievably quick 20 minutes! But it is certainly a roller coaster I wouldn’t like to hop on again.

Have you experienced the phenomenon I named travel fogginess? Please confirm that the foggy state of mind is not just the first phase of Alzheimer’s! If you are a frequent traveler and experience disorientation during your travels, I would appreciate it if you could share your example in the comments!

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Travel fogginess is a sudden fog curtain of disorientation that temporarily blocks the full comprehension of the environment in frequent travelers

Ivan Kralj


Award-winning journalist and editor from Croatia

  1. Yikes! This is extreme. You need to rest, Ivan, like actually stay in a spot long enough to just rest instead of hurrying on to the next city/country. That’s your brain giving clues. OTOH, I have experienced a milder version where I was so exhausted, I overslept and when I awoke, didn’t know what day or time it was. Lol. I felt like I had skipped days.

    Another one wasn’t sleep. I was fully awake but skipped a day at work! I I thought it was a Friday but it was Thursday and I told everyone in the office “see you on Monday” thinking it was Friday till I was corrected. I don’t remember the previous day, Thursday. I was also counting down the days to leaving that job so maybe that was my excited brain at work, who knows? Great post!

    1. Hey, Kemi!

      Thanks for your comment!

      It is a paradox indeed: I know my diagnosis, and I know my cure.
      You are right – slowing down traveling would help, I am sure, but obviously knowing this is not enough to change habits. I should think about how to go into the action mode!

      Thanks for sharing your tiredness/excitement episodes! Our brains are obviously still a mystery in some aspects. Luckily, I think that this kind of experiences stop when we afford proper care about the brain’s working cycles. Or I hope so, at least 🙂

    1. I hope it’s comforting to know that every seventh person experiences what you describe!
      I assume the percentage is (thankfully) much lower with travelers who experience it outside of waking-up confusion. It would be great if someone could make a research about this too 😉

  2. I can certainly relate to the fogginess that comes with travel but I haven’t quite experienced the feeling of not knowing where I am. It may happen one day I’m sure. I’ve woken up with the expectation that I should be somewhere else that’s for sure. You’ve given a really in depth description that has piqued my interest. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Aysha!
      I am glad you did not truly experience this state of fogginess, and I hope you won’t.
      Of course, speaking about me, it’s not all the time. Most of the time I do know where I am and who I am 🙂
      Travelers who do not experience this are for me experts in handling the organization of their travel. They probably lead a much healthier life in terms of adequate proportions between work and rest. There is a lot to learn from this!
      I am glad though that the topic intrigued you! This is something we should all, especially if we travel, take into consideration when organizing our life and travels. If we care in advance, I am sure we can control the consequences better as well!

  3. I do get sleep drunkeness and daytime fogginess (both unnerving) when changing one or more locations. A nightlight in the motel room helps me to not get hurt walking into an unexpected desk etc. Once home, I can’t find things and am surprised to “duscover” things I didn’t remember I had, can’t understand what “all the stuff in that box is or why I’d even have the box, remember my routine, or recognize my own bedroom in the middle of the night (why is there a wall in the way?). Thankfully I eventually figure it out, but meanwhile it’s a little frightening when everything seems so foreign. .

    1. Thanks for sharing, Chris!
      The stress of life (and the stress of the traveling life) can indeed take its toll on experiences as you had.
      I hope you are reserving enough unwinding time with no pressure and expectations, and without constant moving around, so the occurrence of these events hopefully drops down.
      Good luck!

  4. You are not alone. I am currently in my 40th country in 4 years. Asking questions like, “What country am I in?” “What month is it?”, “What day is it?”, for better or for worse, has become normal for me. I suppose those details have ranked less important to my brain than the experience in front of me.
    I also identify with the slow response at customs counters. This has been embarrassing on more than one occasion as I stumble through words and boarding ticket stubs to figure out, where, indeed, am I coming from???

  5. Glad I came across this article before I freaked out to the doctors for tests! I don’t even travel a lot but my last two holidays, when arriving home, I have woken up early hours in my own room and been so confused about where I am and what I’m doing. I recognise the room but it takes me a while to figure out it’s mine when outside still feels like the holiday destination. It’s a frightening experience when you’re aware you’ve forgotten.

  6. Oh thank goodness I’m not the only one. I feel this now that I’m home. 5 flights, 5 cities, 3 continents in 6 days did me in. I keep waking up at home not recognizing where I am, and then thinking I’m dreaming I’m home. It’s so disorienting. It’s temporary I assume?

    1. Hi, Corrina!
      Even if I did name the phenomenon, I am not a doctor 🙂
      But, yeah, if you experience the disorientation as described in the article, I’d say it’s probably temporary.
      Judging by my experience and the experience of people I talked with, ‘travel fogginess’ will disappear after spending some time in one place!
      Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

  7. Ivan, I love your fun writing style! “Travel fogginess” is a perfect name for this type of hypnagogic episode. I, too, have these experiences. When I awoke after returning from six weeks in Europe, I went to the window overlooking my own patio and said to myself, “Well, this is a nice hotel.” Lately, it has manifested differently. When I return from a month of taking care of my elderly mother, I awake in my own bedroom, and not recognizing where I am, I panic, wondering, “Where is my mother? Did I leave her somewhere?” Throughout the years, I have also experienced other sleep mysteries: sleep paralysis (waking up prior to brain giving signal to move) and now brain zaps (prior to brain giving signal to fall asleep). Thanks for your article! Happy travels!

    1. Wow, what a plethora of experiences! I’ve never heard of brain zaps… What does that exactly mean? Your body falls asleep before the brain does? It confuses me 🙂
      Thanks for your compliments, I’m happy you enjoyed the read!

  8. I was searching for answers when I came across this article. I have been living in two places in two different states for awhile now due to my husband’s work and I always feel weird the first day after arriving. Like a general disorientation mixed with a little anxiety. Mine is less sleep related but it’s definitely a real thing. Glad to see I’m not the only one experiencing something similar.

    1. Thanks for your feedback, Tina!
      As stated in the article, I also think that confusion upon waking up is not exclusively sleep-disorder connected.
      If this article helped you realize that you are not alone in experiencing disorientation when traveling through places, that’s a great thing!
      I’d say there is definitely nothing wrong with you in that regard! Relax, and always know it will pass after a few days of adaptation!

  9. Wow! Same with me. I relate to the experiences shared by Ivan and other people in the comments. It’s like being in a whirlwind of extreme differences, smells, tastes, sights as I go from one foreign location to the next. But the confusion only arises upon a startled midnight awakening from sleep where everything makes no sense…why is this room appointed just like the one I have at home? Where’s the door? When will sun shine so I can move about and feel comfortable again in this new place. Very strange, difficult to explain.

    If you have any updates to this, please do let us know through comment/email.

    1. You are definitely not alone, Christian, but you should be lucky you are ONLY waking up confused and disoriented.
      I mainly start to worry when it happens in broad daylight!
      These days, I’ve read an interesting article on how animals navigate in this world of ours, and science can still not explain all aspects of their ability to find places they have never been at. We are talking birds, salmon, butterflies…
      The truth is that humans had better inner GPS before technologies came around. It’s easier to get lost when we know we can rely on technology’s help to find both our location and our way.
      Could it be that we are experiencing this travel fogginess due to becoming more dependent on technologies, due to becoming lazier as a species? Maybe we have evacuated those parts of the brain that were previously strongly engaged in helping us in our spatial whereabouts, for some other purposes, and now our logical management of space snaps when we least expect it, or better: when we reshuffle that logic by constantly moving around?

  10. I had to search for information after awakening once again and not recognizing my own room. This has happened to me several times and it is always after I’ve been away for several weeks and have traveled to a different time zone. I have never experienced this while I am away, only once I return home. Twice now I don’t even recognize my husband. After being away 3 weeks on the East coast I returned home to the West coast last night. I awoke in the early morning hours questioning who is this person in my bed, where am I, and how did I get here? Very disturbing during those few moments it took to reorient myself.
    I don’t sleep well when I am traveling so it makes sense that when I am finally sleeping hard and get woke up during brain processing events and information that I am confused.
    I do notice in my day to day life that when I lack proper rest I forget words. I have also struggled to explain to border security where I’ve been.
    Thanks for putting your experience out there to bring me some comfort today.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Michele!
      I guess you should find it comforting to be able to recognize a certain pattern in your waking up confused and disoriented episodes.
      We often expose ourselves to more stress than we can handle, ignoring or delaying the need to rest.
      As long as you do see the issue disappearing after less traveling and more regular sleeping, I don’t think you have to worry too much about these experiences.
      And yes, I agree it’s comforting to be able to read that this mental fogginess affects others too.
      Thanks again for your contribution! You are not alone!

  11. Same as Michelle, wow!
    I’ve been one month abroad and back home I incidentally fell asleep and as I woke up and actually got up I failed to recognise my own room and house. I touched the furniture, feeling it familiar, but couldn’t quite understand where I was. It lasted just a couple of minutes or so. I felt as if I were a sonambule.
    I googled and googled till I came upon all this evidence.
    Thanks, from Argentina,

    1. Hi, Pablo!
      Thanks for sharing your experience.
      I’m glad you found some comfort in the fact that waking up confused and disoriented at your own home doesn’t mean you’re going crazy.
      It’s perfectly normal to experience such confusion, especially upon waking up, and after such an extended trip.
      Take care,

  12. It often happens to me since starting travelling and liked how you described how one’s brain tries to match rooms and recreates its own in some way, from information stored, it is exactly how it feels in those few moments it takes to remember or recognise where one is, on waking up, or in a moment of disorientation. I often also remember in waking life, places I love going or people I knew in certain cities and somehow misplace them, thinking they are in the current city, only to realise they are from another place and time. I also start speaking the local language in my dreams or even after I leave the region of the spoken language, remembered once saying green in Vietnamese in my dream when I wanted to say say jealous. It becomes something little bit magical I think.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Maya!
      Confusion and disorientation can seemingly stretch through both our dreamt and everyday reality.
      Your examples of misplacing people, and even languages, are very intriguing.
      We should probably not address these phenomena with worries, but instead accept them as a way in which brain tries to make sense of confusing inputs.
      Sometimes, it just needs a bit more time, like any hardware constantly working does. The results can turn out “a little bit magical”, as you would say.
      Even AI hallucinates when it cannot find the exact solution to a prompt, and I think our neurons are similarly just trying to do their best in making sense.

  13. This just happened to me for the first time, despite being well traveled and pushing 40 years old! I just returned from a long road trip across the US where I slept in a different place every night–sometimes a tent, sometimes a hotel bed, etc. Every single night since I’ve been home (five nights in a row now) I wake up in the middle of the night at least once and have no idea where I am. The street lights outside illuminate the siding on my building and I think it’s mountains. It doesn’t feel scary, it just feels odd. Like I’m trying to figure out what time of the night/morning it is and what the scenery is but do not think I’m in my own house that I’ve lived in for 13 years.

    1. Hey, Alyssa!
      Thanks for sharing your experience.
      I think this is very relatable.
      And it’s true, at least in my experience, that travel-induced fogginess has nothing to do with nightmarish context.
      It’s really just as you call it – odd, this feeling of brain slowwwwwwly warming up while figuring out where the rest of the body already is.
      And by the way, I was almost 40 myself when I published this article.
      Maybe it has something to do with brains of our age 🙂
      I think it more relates to specific circumstances that could align at any age, but who knows, maybe at certain moment of our life, we just need more time do adapt to new realities we wake up to.

  14. Hi Ivan! Thank you very much for this article! It’s such a relief that I am not alone 😅
    Been in the middle of my Southeast Asia trip at the moment, and wondering what exactly happened to my brain as i often got confused and disoriented especially during border control. I was almost denied entry to Malaysia from Singapore as i didnt manage to book the hotel and exit flight before immigration check! 😂
    The silver lining, we got some interesting stories once we got home, i guess 😊

    1. Hey, Amalina!
      Thanks for contributing with your story.
      I can completely relate to unpleasant feelings of post-flight confusion.
      But I think we need more details on what happened on that Malaysia-Singapore border!
      What do you mean by denied entry, hotel booking, exiting the flight?
      I’m confused with what happened already by reading it lol.
      Feel free to give more details.

  15. Hello Ivan. Thanks for this website. I thought I was losing my mind. I recently spent 8 days in Germany. Day one was a flight to Munich followed by a connecting train to Berlin. I slept off and on during both of those legs. Then three days in a hotel, with intermittent sleep. Next day another sleepy train back to Munich and three nights in a lousy motel in which I slept poorly. Then a flight back to the US during which I slept some more. Once home, I had terrible, scary wide awake nightmares. I had no idea where I was. My home looked familiar but I had no idea in the world why I was living here. It’s been going on for over a week. Not as frequently but still terrifying. Thanks for this website I know I’m not losing my mind.

    1. Hi, Tommy!
      I’m glad you found Pipeaway helpful.
      It’s always nice to read that someone benefited from an article.
      And it’s true that the phenomenon of post-flight confusion, or as you call it – a scary wide-awake nightmare, is not researched enough, so it’s great to know that this blogpost can provide some consolation that we are not alone or necessarily going crazy.
      I find it empowering to read about various experiences frequent travelers go through, so thank you for sharing your story with everyone!

  16. Thank goodness I found this article and that I am not alone. We have been travelling a lot this year. The first time this confusion happened to me was after our 2nd travel. I woke up in the middle of the night looking at every corners of my bedroom, and my brain was having a hard time processing where I’m at. It happened a couple more times. Usually on first day of being home, after waking up from sleep. It takes me a few seconds to process that I am at home, in my bed, and not in the other country I was at.. It’s a super weird experience.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Zail!
      You are definitely not alone in experiencing post-flight confusion.
      Travel-related disorientation is luckily a temporary quirk. Weird, but it’s what makes us human. We are not perfect machines, so a glitch now and then will occur 😉

  17. So grateful for this publication! My problem is when I come back home, for a few days I wake up not knowing where I am , not recognizing my furniture, not knowing what is next: am I on the way to some airport? At a hotel? What happened? And most worrisome for me, where is my grandson, why is he not with me? It only takes a few minutes and then I start recognizing my surroundings and relaxing a little. It is a strange feeling… thank you again for all the information here.

    1. Dear Mirtha,
      Thanks for your testimony.
      I’m glad you found this article helpful.
      We don’t talk about the post-flight confusion and disorientation after traveling as nearly enough as we should.
      Having an opportunity to hear stories like yours surely helps others dealing with occasional brain fog, and doubting in their sanity.
      As long as the condition is only temporary, I don’t think there are real reasons to worry.
      Our brains are just not perfect in synchronizing our exciting adventures. Surely you spend some great time with your grandson, but sometimes rooting memories takes time, and changes in environment can confuse our experience of reality.
      Enjoy traveling and try to worry less!
      Stay safe.

  18. I have found that the disorientation only happens upon returning home after having traveled somewhere else for at least a week, whether it’s national or international travel. It just happened this morning when I woke up wondering where I was after being away for 2 1/2 weeks. I remember feeling a bit disoriented a few times during the night as well. It only happens once or twice while I’m on vacation, for example it might take me a minute to picture my house, room, kitchen, etc., when I’m somewhere else for a week or more. I am so relieved to know that I’m not the only one!!

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Sheri!
      The feeling of being tired and confused, especially after long-haul flights, is certainly not “just you”.
      As you can see in testimonies, post flight confusion and disorientation after taking trips affect even the best of us.
      Our bodies are not perfect machines, so sometimes brain fog kicks in, especially in those moments when we are waking up, and trying to figure out where we are.
      I’m happy you found some relief in this article. Enjoy your travels!

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