Pipeaway Goes Radio: Sleepless in Asia

THe golden statue of the sleeping Buddha in a temple in Battambang, Cambodia, photo by Ivan Kralj

On July 5th, 2018, Croatian Radio starts cooperation with Pipeaway’s author Ivan Kralj. Its Third Program is broadcasting a premiere of the travel documentary “Good night, dear passengers!”, a part of the series “Strolls in sound” (“Skitnje u zvuku”, the original title in Croatian).

Every person spends one-third of one’s life – sleeping. With years passing by, our bodies create the habit of enjoying our own bed, the only one that would not make us feel the famous fairytale’s pea. But what kind of sleep can we then count on, when leaving somewhere far, for the so-called dream holidays? This is the central question raised by the “Good night, dear passengers!” radio show.

Would you prefer sleeping on the bookshelf or in the bear lair?

The newest “Strolls in sound” take you on a journey to JapanVietnam, and Cambodia! You will learn a lot about the insomnias and nightmares of Asian travelers! From sleepless sleeper buses to the plane rides with screaming passengers, from sleeping in bookshelves to slumbering in the bear lair, from being woken up by fellow travelers to being woken up by a large spectrum of known and unknown animals, “Good night, dear passengers!” is a real sleeping adventure!

The author of the travelogue is an award-winning Croatian journalist Ivan Kralj, who returns to Croatian Radio-Television as a creator after 16 years! It was Nikica Klobučar, the editor of the “Strolls in sound” series who invited Ivan to join the team of traveling authors. The premiere is airing on HRT – HR3, on July 5th, 2018, at 19:00. The 30-minute show is in the Croatian language and is also available here.

To learn more about Pipeaway’s travels in Asia, watch Croatian Television’s interview with Ivan Kralj!

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* pipe away ['paipǝ'wei] (vt, mar) = to give
the whistling signal for the ship about to
leave the harbor

Mapping the extraordinary since 2017.


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