🧨 Ringing in the New Year – Pipeaway Newsletter #157

Pipeaway travel newsletter #157; AI image by Ivan Kralj / Dall-e - Adobe.

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Hi from Zagreb!

After exactly 160 days abroad, I am back in my hometown. It’s already March, yet I still feel as if the year has just begun.

With so many different New Year celebrations around the world, it’s easy to pick a new start. On my first longer Aisan trip, I remember celebrating three different New Years on the road!

The world follows different calendar traditions. In the West, the 1st of January might be very important (well, so important that I, a Westerner, spent it at Changi Airport). But a significant part of the world follows the lunar calendar, marking a fresh start with a month or so of delay.

While we have all heard of Chinese New Year, did you know there is a New Year within their New Year? On the ninth day of the first lunar month, one Chinese community celebrates their own day – the Hokkien New Year or Pai Ti Kong!

At the same time my Croatia seems to be going toward the total ban of celebratory pyrotechnics among mortals (precisely because of its effect on the lives of mostly children who lose limbs or more to a short bombastic experience), Chinese love for fireworks and firecrackers doesn’t seem to fade.

If you love playing on the edge, you’ll find it aplenty on the Malaysian island of Penang, where Chinese immigrants prepare a loud feast like no other.

After learning the background info in the linked article, you can also feel the actual atmosphere of Pai Ti Kong, as I covered in the latest Pipeaway Walks video.

Despite my history of fire performance, I still prefer celebrating events with water than with flames.

If you are the same, it’s good to know that April brings a new opportunity for you to have a blast, this time a Khmer New Year, with – a water fight!

Have happy new years!

Ivan Kralj        

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Ivan Kralj


Award-winning journalist and editor from Croatia

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* pipe away ['paipǝ'wei] (vt, mar) = to give
the whistling signal for the ship about to
leave the harbor

Mapping the extraordinary since 2017.


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