🤞 Everything’s Gonna Be Fine – Pipeaway Newsletter #144

Pipeaway travel newsletter #144; AI image by Ivan Kralj / Dall-e/Adobe.

This is the archived version of our free weekly newsletter. To start receiving it in your mailbox on the send-out day, join the newsletter list!

Hi from Chiang Mai!

This is an automated e-mail. While you’re reading this, I’m probably on a plane to the Philippines. Then again, I might be in a prison.

Today is the second day of my overstay in Thailand. If everything goes fine, I should just pay a fine at the airport, and be free to go. But it won’t be fine if it turns out not to be just a little hiccup on my journey through Asia. Hopefully, I’ll be able to inform you where I ended up in the next edition of the newsletter.

I arrived in Thailand exactly two months and two days ago, to attend this piercing Phuket event, and ended up in a cycle of self-torture myself.

I was obsessed about what to do about my mistake for days and ended up with not doing anything as the best choice.

But not doing things, especially on time, can turn out to be rather costly. Not just because of paying fines.

High seasons don’t really stimulate last-minute bookings. So, while I knew I would be traveling to the Philippines at least two months ago (when I made my first mistake), I didn’t start fixing this new itinerary until the other day.

Of course, procrastination (and beautiful Thailand!) delayed making choices until local ferry and plane ticket prices in the Philippines nearly doubled.

To my defense, I was planning to pay for the return ticket with miles, but suddenly, all miles-award tickets to Sri Lanka disappeared.

So instead, I am going – well, back to Thailand, its southern shores.

This time I calculated my days correctly. I hope?! Thirty visa-free days in the Philippines should expire on December 31st, so I’ll be spending my New Year’s Eve at one spectacular airport. But more about that some other time.

Where do you plan to enter 2025, and what mistakes do you hope to avoid in the new year?

I’d love to hear back from you.

Have a fine week!

With no fines.

Ivan Kralj        

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This is the archived version of our free weekly newsletter. To start receiving it in your mailbox on the send-out day, join the newsletter list!

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Ivan Kralj


Award-winning journalist and editor from Croatia

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* pipe away ['paipǝ'wei] (vt, mar) = to give
the whistling signal for the ship about to
leave the harbor

Mapping the extraordinary since 2017.


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