🐾 Wild, Wilder, and Even More Wilder in Pipeaway Newsletter #111

Pipeaway travel newsletter #111; AI image by DALL-E.

This is the archived version of our free weekly newsletter. To start receiving it in your mailbox on the send-out day, join the newsletter list!

Happy New Year!

For those of you on the Gregorian calendar, welcome to 2024! If you follow a different calendar, well, consider this a time-traveling preview of what’s to come.

If you need more reminders on how time flies, this is newsletter #111! Now, that truly screams a fresh start for 1.1.

For the last ten editions, I’ve been testing out this new format – with a selection of words, images, and numbers from the world of extraordinary travel. Is this w-i-n formula a winning formula? The time will tell.

But so can you! Please let me know how you’re enjoying this Monday mail so far. If you have critiques or praises, send them over. If this is your initiation into the Pipeaway world, dive into the newsletter archive for a sneak peek.

Find this in today’s newsletter:

  • Words: Landing troubles, hotel havoc, and one naked chef.
  • Images: Wild, wilder, wildest.
  • Numbers: Frequent flyers and toilet visits.
  • P.S.: Looking for a booking?

Have a newsletter-worthy week!

Ivan Kralj           


Handicraft displayed on a market in Marrakesh, Morocco, one of the best places to travel in 2024; photo by A D, Unsplash.


Beyond the Buzz – Best Places to Travel in 2024

In this period, world media is cluttered with suggestions on where to travel in the upcoming year. Industry gurus are unleashing the stars of tomorrow’s tourism, and so they suggest their “top 50 destinations” you should consider visiting. As the average traveler embarks on only a couple of trips per year, these selections can drown you in choices. But if you want to make your journey meaningful, visiting these four places could truly make a difference.




The odds of surviving a flight in the landing gear of an aircraft are just 23%. Last week, a wheel-well stowaway flew from Algeria to France. Besides exposing themselves to freezing temperatures, these passengers are at risk of falling from the sky too. Then again, traveling inside the cabin doesn’t guarantee landing in the right place either. In the airline’s version of “Home Alone”, American kids were flown to the wrong destinations – a 6-year-old ended up in Orlando (Spirit Airlines), and a 16-year-old in Puerto Rico (Frontier Airlines).


Initiation rituals in some French restaurants resemble fraternity-house hazing. Michelin-starred chef Aurélien Largeau quit his job after the footage of a junior cook leaked online. The naked commis was tied to a chair, with an apple in his mouth and a carrot in his rear end.


A hotel guest in Sydney smashed his room and flooded an entire hotel floor. He should hope Australian laws are gentler than American ones, as a man in Mississippi is facing ten years in prison for trashing a casino hotel room.




A 10-year-old flyer in South Africa was forced to strip off his shirt as it could provoke anxiety among staff and other passengers.


From bunny smooches to leopards on a hanger, stars of wildlife photography need your help. Cast your vote for the Natural History Museum’s People’s Choice Award!


Explore our planet’s diverse terrains through this collection of the best landscape photographs of 2023.




The number of passengers who flew on 2023’s busiest flight route – from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. That’s a truly mesmerizing fact to me. I used the bus as the capitals are just 5 hours apart by road, which is only slightly longer than commuting to the airports and waiting to board.


The amount of bonus British Airways gave to their flight attendants to show appreciation for working on Christmas Day. This incentive is enough for a lavish in-flight snack or two.


The number of Airbus staff who fell ill after their company treated them to a Christmas dinner. No amount of apples or carrots would stop the vomiting and diarrhea that followed.

Booking.com logo.

Your Hotel Getaway, Now 15% Lighter

New year, new you, new savings. With its latest promotion, Booking.com helps you discover more places at lower costs. Learn everything you need to know about Early 2024 Deals and book your next hotel getaway 15% off. If you’re a loyal customer, this adds up with Genius discounts. You can choose selected hotels for stays until April 1, 2024, but they are subject to availability, so early birds get the best nests. Look for available offers here!

How did you like Pipeaway Newsletter #111? Send your feedback.
First time reading? Sign up here.

This is the archived version of our free weekly newsletter. To start receiving it in your mailbox on the send-out day, join the newsletter list!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you click on them and make a purchase, Pipeaway may make a small commission, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting our work!
Ivan Kralj


Award-winning journalist and editor from Croatia

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* pipe away ['paipǝ'wei] (vt, mar) = to give
the whistling signal for the ship about to
leave the harbor

Mapping the extraordinary since 2017.


Pipeaway is a travel blog mapping extraordinary places, people and passions.
Founded and run by Ivan Kralj, Croatian award-winning journalist and editor.

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