Kanamara Matsuri Penis Love: Leave Your Inhibitions, Suck It In!

The lady in eccentric yellow-black checkered kimono is licking a penis-shaped lollipop in the street at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
View Gallery 52 Photos
Men licking penis-shaped lollipops in front of the temple in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
Friends licking penis-shaped lollipops in the park in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
A girl licking the pink penis-shaped lollipop in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
A woman and a man suggestively licking penis-shaped lollipops in the park in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
Three young men licking penis-shaped lollipops in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
Four young women licking penis-shaped lollipops and posing for a selfie in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
Women licking penis-shaped lollipops in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
A couple in kimonos licking penis-shaped lollipops in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
Father is walking with his son who is carrying a penis-shaped lollipop in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
A man and a woman licking penis-shaped lollipops in the street in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
Young woman and man posing with a person dressed up as a lizard and holding a stick in a suggestive pose, in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
People licking penis-shaped lollipops in the park in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
A woman's dog is sitting in her lap and licking penis-shaped lollipop in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
Three young men licking penis-shaped lollipops in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuri, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
Painting in the Kanayama Shrine depicting the famous image of three monkeys out of which one doesn't speak evil, second one doesn't see evil, third one doesn't hear evil, with the addition of two extra monkey who are not transmitting and not receiving evil, obvious reference on sexual diseases, painting put up in 1992, photo by Ivan Kralj
Kanayama Shrine entrance decorated with four wooden penis sculptures
Wooden plaques called ema, containing prayers of the worshippers and some seriously explicit manga images of oral sex, photo by Ivan Kralj
Wooden plaques called ema, containing prayers of the worshippers and some explicit drawings of male genitalia, photo by Ivan Kralj
Penis-shaped anvil being photographed by the visitors at Kanayama Shrine in Kawasaki, Japan, during the Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj
A woman in leopard-skin jacket posing next to the penis-shaped anvil lolling out her tongue and laughing, in Kanayama Shrine, at Kanamara Matsuri, the penis festival, photo by Ivan Kralj
A man selling colorful candles in the shape of penis and vagina, at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Woman smiling at the market, selling penis-shaped crystals for 1000 yen, at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Lady seller and customers at the market discussing the pink candy products she is selling, at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Group of guys with penis-shaped noses/eyeglasses and Tenga masks, at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
A man wearing a pink penis-head shaped hat and a woman wearing penis-shaped hair decoration at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Priestesses performing the ritual of transferring the spirits into mikoshi at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Priestesses performing the ritual of transferring the spirits into mikoshi at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
A couple sitting in the chairs in the street, saving their spot for the penis parade at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Crossdresser is walking down the street and clearing it up from people for the penis parade at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
The priest is heading the penis parade at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Members of the shrine and priestesses walking in the penis parade at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Penis-shaped mikoshis, portable shrines, being carried in the streets during the penis parade at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
People on the streets of Kawasaki taking pictures and greeting the giant pink penis being carried around as a portable shrine at Kanamara Matsuri, Japanese penis festival, photo by Mladen Koncar
Pink penis-shaped mikoshi, portable shrine, being carried by crossdressers at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Wooden penis-shaped mikoshi, portable shrine, being carried in the street at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Lavishly decorated lady in the carriage at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Group of worshippers carrying the mikoshi, portable shrine at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Group of worshippers carrying the mikoshi, portable shrine at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Bored-looking man holding a promo sign for selling lollipops at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Mother is holding a penis-shaped lollipop while father is picking his daughter up from the slide in the park at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
A couple posing with penis-shaped lollipops at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Group of friends posing with penis and vagina shaped lollipops at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
A woman licking the vagina shaped lollipop, while her partner is texting on mobile phone at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
People licking penis and vagina shaped lollipops at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
A couple in kimonos posing with penis shaped lollipops at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Women unwrapping the penis shaped lollipops at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
A man is suggestively sucking on a penis-shaped lollipop at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
A young guy in a group of friends is licking the penis shaped lollipop at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Group of friends posing with penis shaped lollipops at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
Men waiting in the line for the loo at Kanamara Matsuru, festival of the iron penis, in Kawasaki, Japan, photo by Ivan Kralj
A man dressed up in typically short kimono, no trousers, is walking down the street of Kawasaki, Japan, for Kanamara Matsuri, the festival of iron penis, photo by Ivan Kralj

His Majesty, the Willy. Imagine men and women, and even people in between genders, of all races and ages, which includes kids and grannies too, but also some dogs, surrendering to the group pleasure of worshipping the penis! The ritual involves engaging your mouth in an enjoyable session of sucking, in a very liberal surrounding – the color and size of your sweet lollipop do not matter! It is not the most perverted orgy party you have ever attended, but the religious event called Kanamara Matsuri, organized by the local Shinto shrine in Kawasaki, Japan!

The demon in the possessed vagina was biting off the manhood of woman’s partners

Vagina dentata attacks

It all started with a legend. There was this young woman who rejected to sleep with a demon, so he inhabited her vagina (don’t ask how he got there in the first place!). Jealous as he was, he used his sharp teeth to bite off the penises of two men that tried to sleep with her. Cursed with a castrating toothed vagina (vagina dentata), the desperate woman went to visit a blacksmith (who else?), to ask for help. The expert decided that what she needed was an iron dildo that would trick her inner demon and break his teeth when he tried to bite! The blacksmith made the object and the woman’s vagina was liberated again! The iron phallus got enshrined in the Kanayama Shrine, where pilgrims still come to touch it, not only during the festival.

People on the streets of Kawasaki taking pictures and greeting the giant pink penis being carried around as a portable shrine at Kanamara Matsuri, Japanese penis festival, photo by Mladen Koncar
At Kanamara Matsuri, the pink penis is typically carried around by Japanese transgender and cross-dressing worshipers, a small gesture of respect towards minorities in the Shinto religion

The Festival of the Iron Phallus started in 1977, but the shrine was a popular sanctuary for local prostitutes even in the 17th century, during the Edo period; this was the non-judgemental place where the sex workers went to pray for protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Today, the shrine dedicated to the kind and helpful blacksmith, attracts those in need of divine protection, for fertility, easy child delivery, marriage harmony, and business prosperity.

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Kanamara Matsuri – pricks welcomed

Many get attracted by penises too; nobody can dispute that. Various phallic sculptures scattered in the courtyard might be an unusual religious decor in Westerners’ eyes. Japanese prove they are not reserved people after all! Wooden plaques called ema, used by Shinto worshippers for writing their prayers, here are decorated with explicit scenes of oral sex, and some cocks as well. It is the year of the rooster after all! Worshippers leave them hanging in the shrine so that the kami deities can receive them.

A woman in leopard-skin jacket posing next to the penis-shaped anvil lolling out her tongue and laughing, in Kanayama Shrine, at Kanamara Matsuri, the penis festival, photo by Ivan Kralj
In shrines, you are typically not allowed to touch statues, but this penis-shaped anvil in Kanayama Shrine obviously brings happiness if you hold it tight

While I take photographs of the prayer plaques, one woman jumps on the penis-equipped anvil and poses for her social profiles. The selfie culture changes the way we behave even at supposedly sacred places; pretending to lick the giant phallus, she bursts into laughter. Lollipops shaped like penises, more or less anatomically accurate, produce a similar giggling reaction in attendees. The joy of people-watching starts when they forget what they are munching on and just surrender to the sweetness of the little prick.

Heteros and homos, men and women, kids and their grandparents, they all indulge in this suckling game. All prejudices are put aside. Almost. Those machos who cannot swallow the fact of swallowing the joystick, even if it comes in green color and tastes sweet, can buy themselves a vagina lollipop, without jeopardizing their masculinity image.

The priestesses will perform the ritual of transferring the spirits into the penis-shaped mikoshis and then let them go to the town

Penis Parade

Kanamara Matsuri happens every spring. The first Sunday in April is the day when the giant altars with erect idols leave Kanayama. Shinto followers take their portable shrines (called mikoshi) for a parade. They believe that the mikoshi drives the deity from the primary to the temporary shrine, and on this particular festival, mikoshi happens to come in the phallic form. After the fire-lighting ceremony, the priestesses perform the ritual of transferring the spirits into the mikoshi.

Shinto worshippers carrying the portable shrine called mikoshi, with a giant steel penis sculpture, at Kanamara Matsuri, japanese Fesstival of the Iron Phallus in Kawasaki, photo by Mladen Koncar
Worshippers at Kanamara Matsuri ecstatically carry the penis mikoshi believing it is the vehicle of a deity

There are actually three mikoshis in the parade! The first one to hit the streets is the one made of steel, representing the one that the woman used to get rid of the demon. This penis is carried around in the little wooden ship. The next float brings the giant pink penis mikoshi (called Elizabeth, after the drag queen club that donated it). It is carried around by transgender and cross-dressing festivalgoers. The last todger carried around is the one carved out of a tree.

The groups of worshippers dressed in short kimonos revealing their bare legs, take the mobile shrines around the neighborhood, chanting, singing, shouting, and waving them wildly from side to side, so the deity doesn’t get bored. It’s the yearly fair ride for these penises! Everybody has fun at this street party! One can almost understand why Aristotle claimed that comedy as a form evolved from such phallic processions. Known since ancient Greece times, penis parades demonstrate a high dose of humor indeed!

Exorcism for vagina and prejudices

The festival nowadays has become a big market for penis-themed food and memorabilia. There are candies and candles, sausages and bananas, T-shirts and jewelry, masks and sculptures. One can even buy a daikon radish carved into the appropriate shape! Behind the amusing facade, the event raises awareness about sexually transmitted diseases. Awareness AND money for HIV research too! What started as a story of the possessed vagina is becoming a celebration of solidarity, mutual respect, breaking taboos and ridiculous social restrictions to educate each other, with a smile on the face.

For more impressions from Kanamara Matsuri 2017 check the video below! For other videos mapping the extraordinary people, places and passions, visit and follow Pipeaway’s Youtube channel!

Kanamara Matsuri dates in upcoming years

Kanamara Matsuri in Kawasaki is observed every year, on the first Sunday in April.

  • 2024 – April 7th
  • 2025 – April 6th

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Kanamara Matsuri is Japan's penis festival. We bring you to Kawasaki, the place of the most unusual religious event! Imagine penis parade, licking phallus-shaped lollipops and other strange customs you do not expect to see in a shrine!



Searching for a place to stay at the next Kanamara Matsuri?
Check out these hot deals in the Kawasaki area!


Ivan Kralj


Award-winning journalist and editor from Croatia

  1. Very delighting! Lately I read a native American tale which was very similar. A witch put teeth in the vaginas of her daughter and another girl and then invited men to dine at her tent and sleep with them. Once the weeny was off, the witch was amused by watching the men bleed to death and she ate them afterwards. The girl that was not the witches’ daughter whispered to the hero of the story, telling him about the curse. He didn’t even need an iron penis to lift it, a wooden stick from the fireplace did the job!

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