Circus of Postcards Fundraising Extended: Join Our Family of Heroes!

Arba Minch Circus contortionist backbending to feed the donkey with grass as a part of fundraising project Circus of Postcards, in Arba Minch, Ethiopia, photo by Ivan Kralj

In 2018, I visited a small African social circus project called Arba Minch Circus. These boys and girls, many of whom have fled to the circus from the dangers of living in the street, impressed me with their dedication and perseverance, even though they are training in inappropriate and possibly dangerous conditions. The idea of the Circus of Postcards was born! The fundraising project offers you sets of postcards in exchange for the financial support that will improve the training hall of Arba Minch Circus!

We still lack some 1.200 Euros to enable Circus of Postcards to renovate the Arba Minch Circus training hall!

In two and a half months of fundraising, I am sad to see that we have not raised enough and that we still lack some 1.200 Euros to make the dream of these kids and their teacher Tesfahun Mergia – a reality.

Asked by some circus organizations if we could extend the project’s deadline, and pressed by the fact of still lacking some funds, we agreed to continue the fundraising until March 31st, 2019!

How can you support this fundraising?

Head to the article Circus of Postcards: Building the Future for African Street Children! The whole procedure of how to make a payment for this good cause is explained there in detail.

In the name of Arba Minch Circus and Mala Performerska Scena, Ethiopian and Croatian organizations working together on this project, we thank you for your contribution! It is truly essential!

All the income and the expenses will be presented transparently, so you can rest sure these organizations will not jeopardize the reputation of their 24 years of combined experience in making circus change people’s lives. If you have any additional questions, feel free to send them to!

The deadline for fundraising will not be extended further than March 31st! So if you have any means to get these kids a proper roof over their heads, contribute now! We will be glad to welcome you into our family of heroes! THANK YOU!

To get more familiar with these talented but underprivileged acrobats, read the article Arba Minch Circus: Acrobatics Saving the Street Kids. You can also follow them on their Facebook page.
Ivan Kralj


Award-winning journalist and editor from Croatia

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* pipe away ['paipǝ'wei] (vt, mar) = to give
the whistling signal for the ship about to
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Mapping the extraordinary since 2017.


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