Bestselling Bookings of 2017: Get 10 % Off of Your Next Asian Trip!

Guests resting on the blue and yellow beanbags in the lounge of Wonderloft hostel in Jakarta, Indonesia, photo by Ivan Kralj

There are many hotel booking sites, but the one I use the most for my own travels is I use it even when I don’t end up booking anything! Its review system is a resource center I highly rely on when making choices. is fairly widespread around the world, and its search engine will lead you to more than 1.5 million properties!

If you stay with me until the end of this article, I will provide you a referral link for that entitles you to a 10 % discount on your first booking on this site!

As an affiliate partner of this hotel booking website, Pipeaway is aware of the choices our readers make when they use our accommodation deal finders or search boxes. In this way, we can present you the hotels and hostels that have been the bestsellers in 2017 among the readers like you!

I wrote a lot about Asia, so naturally, our readers were inclined to discover the best hotels and hostels on that continent. Here are your top choices in 2017!

Guests playing billiard in the lobby of Wonderloft, one of the best hostels of Java, in Jakarta, Indonesia, photo by Ivan Kralj
Hostels are not just places one sleeps in. Meeting new friends is what makes your travel experience rich!

1. Wonderloft Hostel, Jakarta, Indonesia

Last September, I wrote about the best hostels of Java, the world’s most populous island. I gave you several reasons to discover this part of Indonesia. Even if all of them would have been great choices, one hostel stood out. Wonderloft is a fairly new property in Jakarta, the country’s capital and sets for a great quiet oasis in the colonial heart of this hectic metropolis. guests review: 9/10

People sitting in the bar lounge at Nui hostel in Tokyo, Japan, photo copyright by Nui
Getting from the bar to your hostel can be quite a feat. Well, not in Nui.! Your bed is just steps away from you beer!

2. Nui., Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo has some great accommodation options for any pocket! However, if you are into saving some bucks and not compromising the quality of your stay at the same time, artsy hostels of Tokyo might be your choice! In Japan‘s capital, one property especially caught your eyes – Nui. This trendy hostel and bar lounge offers bed and beer, just when you need them! guests review: 8.8/10

Silver-tiled swimming pool in the garden of Jaya House RiverPark hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia, photo by Ivan Kralj
This extraterrestrial swimming pool is just one of the gems in offer of Siem Reap’s Jaya House RiverPark!

3. Hotels and guesthouses in Cambodia

In the third place of accommodation bestsellers in 2017, I couldn’t shed only one spotlight. Cambodia is an amazing and affordable country for international tourists. Naturally, you have been booking various types of properties in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, but also in smaller towns such as Kampot or Kampong Chhnang. Here are some of the great options I wrote about and you followed the lead:

10 % discount code for your first booking

If you are planning a trip to Asia, I hope some of this best selling properties gave you an idea of where to stay. Definitely consider as your online booking system. It provides quite a few perks (that I will discuss in some other article). If you want to use a 10 % discount on your first booking, register through my referral link: You will get a 10 percent refund after your first booking!

Upon registering, get back to this list of best selling Asian properties in 2017. If our readers AND other guests loved these, Pipeaway approved listings might be your new compass for picking a place to stay! Start your best travels ever!

I’d love to hear back from you if you stayed in any of the properties mentioned above! How did you like them? Please comment below!
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Pipeaway readers have spoken - in 2017 these were the best selling properties in Asia among our users. Visit the website to get your 10 % discount for your first hotel booking!


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means if you click on them and make a purchase, Pipeaway might make a small commission, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting our work!
Ivan Kralj


Award-winning journalist and editor from Croatia


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* pipe away ['paipǝ'wei] (vt, mar) = to give
the whistling signal for the ship about to
leave the harbor

Mapping the extraordinary since 2017.


Pipeaway is a travel blog mapping extraordinary places, people and passions.
Founded and run by Ivan Kralj, Croatian award-winning journalist and editor.

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