Bunny’s Ferry Tale: Rabbit on The Run Aboard Seajets

Distant from its own group of Ionian islands, but also from the rest of the Greek archipelago, Kythira is not the easiest to reach. Seajets ferry connects it with Athens twice a week, and the ride to Piraeus takes 6.5 hours. While not ideal for island hopping, one particular passenger on what had to be just another calm ferry journey, made it a hopping adventure indeed – there was a rabbit on the run.

By its size, it could have easily been mistaken for a dog. But its jumping around the ferry seats left no room for doubt. It was a real, sizeable, long-eared pet

In the last week of September, the summer season was slowly approaching its end. Tourists settled for a long ride to the mainland, leaving the lovely island behind.

As the ferry smoothly cut through the waves, you would plug in your headphones, lean back, and snug as a bunny in your comfy seat. Only to be awakened by a real animal on board. Minding your own business suddenly was not an option anymore.

Seemingly out of nowhere (maybe from someone’s hat?), a large orange rabbit made its grand appearance. By its size, it could have easily been mistaken for a dog. But its jumping around the ferry seats left no room for doubt. It was a real, sizeable, long-eared pet exploring the cabin on its own.

In all fairness, if there was a pet-related sign on the ship, it was probably “Keep your dog on a leash at all times”. Nobody ever mentioned regulations for rabbit passengers.

These days, people can travel with a range of pets, claiming them as "emotional support animals". Well, we know one animal that couldn't board a ferry or a plane with you - boškarin!

A rabbit runs amok on the ferry

It wasn’t just any rabbit on the run. No, this was a fearless, freedom-seeking escape artist who, with some clever sleight of paw, found its way out of its crate and into the wild unknown.

Bunny on a Seajets ferry traveling on the route Kythira-Athens, freely exploring the ship, while its elderly owner cuts the long ride by chatting with other passengers; photo by Ivan Kralj.
The ferry ride that went down the rabbit hole; the owner talks to other passengers, and bunny on the loose is all ears

Oh, who are we kidding? Its elderly owner probably “accidentally” left the crate door ajar. And thus began our very own Watership Down” – minus the existential allegory and with more shrieking, and general chaos.

Like a scene from Looney Tunes”, this fluffy Houdini darted out from between the seats, its twitching nose inspecting the surrounding landscape of confused passengers and their handbags. A wave of gasps swept through the women onboard, as if they’d seen a mouse, followed swiftly by legs raised in synchronized disbelief.

Our Bugs Bunny must have had a lucky foot as, with quite a few dogs and cats on the ferry, it’s been close to a miracle that it went unnoticed by the predators. Could you imagine the cartoon-style chase if the furry gang paid the same amount of attention to their surroundings as the ferry’s human population? Well, everyone but the bunny’s elderly owner, who was seemingly unphased by the anarchy behind her back.

Luckily, only one rad rabbit running and zigzagging between seats was quite enough to provide entertainment on this otherwise uneventful journey from Kythira to Athens.

The one-way ferry ticket between Athens and Kythira costs only 22 euros. You can easily book the ferry online!
Orange rabbit hiding under the seats on a Seajets ferry operating between Kythira island and Athens; the bunny was let loose, and freely explored the ship during the journey; photo by Ivan Kralj.
If this bunny could sing, like the one in “Alice in Wonderland”, maybe it would explain its frantic running through the cabin with the words: “I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!”

The bunny’s reluctant return to a crate

With the ferry docking in Athens and passengers already lining up for disembarkation, the rabbit’s owner calmly donned her hygienic mask (first help yourself!) before even starting to look for her pet. It was definitely nowhere near the crate.

With no intention of being caught, the unstoppable Energizer Bunny just kept going. And going

The fast and determined runaway rabbit decided it was time for a game of “Catch Me If You Can” under the seats.

As the little explorer avoided every grab while making a mad dash from one side of the cabin to the other, passengers sprung into action, trying to corner the animal.

With no intention of being caught, the unstoppable Energizer Bunny just kept going. And going. One second, there it was. The next, it had vanished under the seats, outsmarting a group of full-grown adults.

One brave woman blocked the aisle, arms spread like a goalkeeper on high alert, wielding a stuffed tiger toy. Another dove in to assist the elderly owner who, channeling her inner Indiana Jones, quite literally rolled to the floor. Somehow, they finally corralled the little fugitive back into its crate – cue a collective sigh of relief.

But our little Houdini wasn’t giving up. Even from inside its cage, the rebellious bunny pushed a paw through the bars, tapping the floor like it was testing the waters for another jailbreak. The crate bounced a few times, as if it were filled with a dozen hyperactive bunnies instead of just one persistent fluffball.

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An older lady passenger raises her legs on board the Seajets ferry traveling between Kythira and Athens, Greece, as there is a rabbit on the run. Watch the funny video of the owner trying to catch the fugitive bunny at final destination!

Ivan Kralj


Award-winning journalist and editor from Croatia


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* pipe away ['paipǝ'wei] (vt, mar) = to give
the whistling signal for the ship about to
leave the harbor

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